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Hormonal Imbalance; Major Signs and How to Treat

unhappy man sitting ono a bench having hormonal imbalance

What is Hormonal Imbalance

“Hormonal imbalance” refers to a proportional disruption in normal functioning level of hormones in the body.

Hormones are chemical messengers in the body responsible for thousands of normal functions inside the body.

Functions of Hormones

They are involved in the initiation, regulation and step wise mechanisms of different processes and hence play a key role in normal body functioning like appetite, sleep cycle, mood, digestion and reproduction.

Consequently, disruption in hormones levels will cause a disruption in the functions which they regulate.

Symptoms of Hormones imbalance

Major Symptoms are:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight changes
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep problems
  • Digestive issues
  • Skin problems (e.g., acne, dryness)
  • Hair loss
  • Changes in appetite
  • Hot flashes or night sweats
  • Irregular periods
  • Infertility
  • Memory problems
  • Muscle weakness
  • Increased sensitivity to cold or heat

Balancing hormones (Treating hormonal imbalance)

Various researches have been conducted on hormones imbalance with an aim to balance hormones in a safer way.

Luckily, we have a list of medical and lifestyle related factors that can balance your hormones.

Eat adequate protein

       Many of the major hormones like insulin and glucagon are proteins chemically. So an adequate protein pool is essential for normal hormones functioning.

Add more proteins to your diet to ace hormone imbalance naturally.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for hormonal imblance:

Hormone replacement therapy refers to using external sources to get hormones into the body.

Administration often includes taking orally, nasal, patches, vaginal and gels.

These are supplemental hormones to restore balance, often used for menopause or thyroid issues.

Take the example of progestin and lynestrenol as a supplemental hormones for progesterone.

Lifestyle Changes to treat hormonal imbalance

Lifestyle changes include modifying diet, exercise, and sleep to balance hormones in a natural way.

Stress Management

Mental stress disrupts your hormones.

 It reduces growth hormone, thyroid hormones, prolactin and gonadotropins.

Stress increases cortisol, antidiuretic hormones and catecholamines, imbalancing the whole hormones of the body.

Techniques such as meditation and yoga help reduce cortisol levels.

Click to Read: Easy Ways for stesss management

Herbal Supplements for hormonal imbalance

 Natural remedies to support for hormonal imbalance include:

  • Black cohosh
  • Maca
  • Red Clover
  • Red raspberry
  • Lemon balm
  • Marjoram
  • Nigella sativa
  • Cramp bark
  • Dandelion root
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Motherwort
  • Passionflower
  • Oatstraw

Weight Management to support hormone balance

   Maintaining a healthy weight helps in hormone-related issues in many ways.

One major effect of obesity on hormones is the insulin resistance in obese people which results in type 2 diabetes.

In the same way, obesity disrupts steroid hormones a greater portion of which is the reproductive hormones resulting diminished sexual life.

Healthy Diet

Balanced nutrition rich in whole foods also supports hormone production.

To make it simple, your hormones are made inside your body and majority of them are protein and lipids in nature. Their formation in the body requires a lot of factors like minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and optimum conditions so make sure you eat a balances diet comprised of proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) vitamins plus minerals.


Regular physical activities help in hormone levels.

Now this one is obvious. Ever wondered why you feel good and relaxed after a work out session or playing a game outside?

Well, physical activities secretes dopamine which improves mood, motivation and happiness.

Strong cardio and weight straining secretes androgens in your body which is anabolic in nature.

Click to Read more: Amazing benefits of Exercise

Avoiding Toxins:

Plastic and chemicals like preservatives and industrial pollution are proven that they interferes with normal functioning of adrenal and pituitary glands.

Pituitary and adrenal glands are responsible for a major portion of hormones in the body so their abnormality can bring catastrophic results.

Adequate Sleep:

sleep helps to lower cortisol level which is a stress hormone.

During sleep, insulin potency is maximum.

Growth hormones also releases during sleep and hence, if you don’t sleep you won’t grow!

Ghrelin, appetite hormone secretes during sleep.

 Ensure 7-9 hours of quality sleep to maintain hormone regulation.


Water is a medium for the transport of hormones from the site of production to the site of action.

The volume of you blood is also determined by the your water intake and major hormones like vasopressin, aldosterone and catecholamines come into play when water level in the body is lowered.

 Drink enough water to support your hormone system.

Medical Procedures for treating hormonal imbalance:

You can treat certain hormonal issues through medical ways.

Surgical methods include removal of tumors from glands or opening the blockages in their ductal systetms.

Non surgical methods include drugs that either stimulate the glands for the specific hormone or inhibits its overactivity.

 Conditions like PCOS or thyroid nodules are worth  mentioning.

Massage for healthy hormone system:

 A regular massage helps in soothing the body.

It also releases serotonin and dopamine which are mood hormones.

Massage also enhances circulation which ensures the transport of hormones, increasing its potential.

Wrapping up

     Hormonal imbalance is becoming more and more common due to increased exposure to chemicals and living a hectic life.

The above factors will help you to treat hormonal imbalance and if any of the above symptoms get severed, you can seek professional medical help.

image credit: pexels

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