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Home » Top 5 Powerful lessons from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Top 5 Powerful lessons from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

the alchemist by paulo coelho

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     The alchemist, written by Paulo Coelho is a fictional book about a destiny, dreams and much more. Here are the top 5 lessons from the alchemist to learn.

Travelling is obligatory

    In order to achieve greatness, you must leave home.

You must get out of your comfort zone and step on the difficult path.

You have to face difficulties, face challenges and meet new people, get played and cheated.

This is how you will learn the game and get polished.

The treasure was buried under the same broken roof where the shepherd used to sleep along with his sheep but the journey to Egypt made him almost an alchemist.

Remember the saying ‘go big or go home’.

Strangers can be blessings

      Not in majority cases but sometimes, strangers can really bring great realization into your life.

Sometimes there is a very unique energy of a stranger and upon interaction with them, life really starts changing.

Sit with elder people who have are good observers and you will hear such stories of deeper realization in real life.

The shepherd’s life changed after meeting a stranger with whom he didn’t even want to talk but he turned out to be a king and his short company changed the shepherd’s life.

Not everything is in books

Books are great sources of knowledge but not the only source of knowledge.

One of the greatest lessons from the alchemist is to learn by observing life.

A great deal can be learnt by just observing life around you.

And to be honest, what life teaches practically can never be thought in words.

This is the reason why the Englishman was far behind the shepherd even after reading hundreds of books.

The soul reason of shepherds advanced level was that he was a good observer.

Self transformation is the first thing

            According to alchemist, if you want a metal to transform into gold, first you gave to transform yourself.

Every transformation begins with you. Therefore, if you want to change anything outside, you have to start from inside.

To change any metal into pure gold, you have to purify your own self. This is the philosophy of transformation.

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Seeking gold won’t make you an alchemist

    Sometimes, seeking reward is not enough to get the reward, right?

    You have to dive deep in the process.

You have to understand the basics.

The Englishman read all the books about alchemy but could not make out the gold.

This is simply because he was lacking the basics.

On the other hand, the shepherd had almost reached alchemy because he was enjoying the journey towards alchemy and his focus was not on getting gold.

Image credit: pexels

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